Category Archives: apartment rentals

Tips for Apartment Rental Negotiations!

Tips for Renting an Apartment… For those willing to pull the apartment rental trigger at the beginning of the Covid pandemic, when it looked like New York City was finished and landlords were desperate, great deals were possible although at most they would last two years. Now it’s not that easy, and an article in […]

Renting An Apartment In NYC? Some Important Do’s And Don’ts!

  For anyone about to hunt for their first NYC apartment rental or for an apartment renting veteran, some advice from an article at on common mistakes to avoid! columnist Melanie Lieberman ‘spoke to a number of New York City real estate pros — licensed agents and other authorities on the city’s rental market […]

Apartment Rents: What Goes Up, Must Come Down!

housing affordability

It’s certainly no secret that in many of the nations housing markets the price to rent an apartment has been going in one direction…up! But, as the famous phrase about gravity suggests, what goes up must eventually come down. After all whether it was tulips during the 1600’s, technology stocks during the late 1990’s or […]

Trends In One And Two Bedroom Apartment Rents

Trend of apartment rents in NYC

For anyone who lives in one of the major nationwide rental markets including New York City, San Francisco and Boston, the percentage of income spent on rental housing has been ever-increasing! But have these living expenses elsewhere around the United States grown as steeply and as quickly? The Zumper National Rent Report and Zumper National […]

London apartment that makes NYC rents appear downright affordable! (Photo and Infographic)

title insurance New York,New York City,Long Island

If you thought apartment rents in NYC were exorbitant and that what you get for your money isn’t always a gem, this apartment in London will hopefully make you feel a little bit better! Back in April we had written an article that documented some of the hardships faced by apartment renters in NYC, followed […]