Category Archives: Luxury Homes

The Booming Business Of Residential Safe Rooms

  In a world that’s fraught with turmoil, terrorism and social angst, the art of protecting people in their homes has become big business! Big business that is, but one that’s not necessarily appropriate or available to all people. Home protection in the form of a safe room is a residential real estate luxury add-on […]

2014 Trifecta Of $100MM+ US Home Sales

title insurance New York,New York City,Long Island

  Three 2014 US Single-Family Home Sales Above $100,000,000! For the majority of Americans, and by that I mean the bottom 99.9999999999999999999999%, the mere concept of buying a home for more than $100MM is no different than the idea of being the first human to land on Mars. And, to make this an even more […]