Category Archives: Business tips

So you want to be successful? Here are 22 critical habits and traits!

We all would like to be successful at whatever endeavors we undertake whether they are in business or in life! But many, if not most or all of us, at various times succumb to behavior that runs counter to our goal. That doesn’t make us bad people, only human! But, in order to focus on […]

10 traits of an ideal business partner!

For anyone with an entrepreneurial spirit looking to team-up with a partner, picking the right one is to business what choosing the right spouse is to marriage! And judging by the failure rate of both, possibly just as difficult! After all business partners are going to be spending a great deal of time together, will be formulating strategy […]

Glossophobia is #1! What’s your #1?

For so many people it’s the fear of public speaking, Glossophobia, that terrifies them the most! And while for anyone who speaks in public the anxiety will typically be present before and possibly during their program, as long as you are doing it why not do it well! From these are 7 simples tips for creating […]