Category Archives: blogging

5 Blogging Tips: If You Want Followers And Subscribers, Do This!

While most people love to hear themselves speak, the ultimate prize for a blogger whether it’s for business or for pleasure are Followers and Subscribers who also like to hear them ‘speak’ through their writing! For most, earning (that’s right, earning) Followers or Subscribers of their work can be as difficult as it is elusive. […]

Real Estate Reading List: 48 Excellent Blogs!

For those of us who work or play in some segment of real estate whether buying, selling, rehabilitating, financing or flipping…. …remaining on top of issues, developments and trends in the marketplace is one of the critical pieces that helps to ensure our success. With that in mind this list of 48 real estate blogs […]

More than 100 topics for real estate bloggers!

title insurance, New York,New York City,Long Island,Michael Haltman

Follow @Hallmark Abstract Service The act of ‘blogging for your business’ is one that comes naturally for some while for others the mere thought may instill a feeling of intense fear and anxiety!  I know that from my experience speaking with business owners many feel that they should be blogging but have never quite gotten […]

How many times a week should a real estate agent (or anyone else) be blogging?

title insurance New York and Long Island

It’s an age-old question: How many articles is the correct number of articles to write in a real estate blog each week? On the one hand I suppose it depends on how much you have to say on a given topic or how often you find subjects that you feel will be of interest to […]

Should your business blog? (Infographic)

business blogging

In other words is the extra work and small expense that’s involved creating and updating a blog going to provide your business with a return on investment (ROI) that will make the endeavor worthwhile? The fact of the matter is that simply by you being here reading this article it has in effect made The […]