Category Archives: Mortgage Market

Record Low Treasury Yields: An Historic Opportunity in the Mortgage Market!

10-year treasury yield at 1.31%

With the 10-year treasury hitting an all-time record low yield today (February 25, 2020) of 1.31%, and mortgage rates at or near historic lows, does it seem to anyone else as if the banks are basically ‘giving’ their money away? For current homeowners with a mortgage already outstanding, or a property owner with far less […]

Will banks pull out of the mortgage market?

title insurance New York

(This article also appears at Global Economic Intersection here) And if they do will this present greater opportunities for the mortgage banks specializing in loan origination as some of their traditional competition suddenly fades away? The $100 billion question then is whether the proverbial mortgage origination sky is falling and if so whether it is […]