Tag Archives: austerity

My Big Fat Greek Analogy

Will the EU and the world dodge a financial bullet by kicking the can down the road for a 3rd time in Greece? An infusion of money by the EU into Greece that will be combined with promises of additional austerity measures, increased taxes and slashed pensions, may stave off the inevitable sovereign debt default and […]

Bernie Sanders: Business and Politics

Bernie Sanders, a self-avowed socialist and Democratic Party contender for the presidential nomination, is drawing many thousands of enthused ‘fans’ to his campaign events! But at the end of the day, is Bernie Sanders right for the United States? Why am I asking this question about a man who likely, hopefully, has no chance of […]

Syriza Party Wins Greece Election! Now What?

In an article last week, ‘Greece Election Sunday And Why The Entire World Is Watching!‘, the potential fallout from a Syriza party victory in the Greece election was examined! ‘This Sunday the citizens of Greece will be voting in a national election that will serve as a referendum on the EU-invoked austerity program that the […]

Greece Elections – Why The Entire World Is Watching!

This Sunday the citizens of Greece will be voting in a national election that will serve as a referendum on the EU-invoked austerity program that the country has been living through! At stake is the decision that a newly elected government might make to pull Greece out of the Eurozone in what has widely become […]