Tag Archives: banks and mortgages

Homebuyer Financing…Is The Best Rate Or A Clear To Close The Most Critical Aspect Of A Borrowers Loan?

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Shopping for the best price is something we all do whether for a car, a pair of shoes, a new home and, very likely, a mortgage for that new home! For potential homebuyers the ultimate endgame is to find the property of their dreams and the financing that will allow them to actually make the purchase. […]

Mortgage Loan Application Defects: Where Are They Most Prevalent?

After the financial crisis that was in no small part brought on through mortgage products such as ‘liar loans*’, lending institutions have become much more conservative! Some of this conservatism was mandated through imposed federal government regulation such as Dodd-Frank while some was through the publics distaste for these types of loans. But lending institutions now […]