Tag Archives: business strategy

Automation: In 2035 Will Any Human Have A Job?

minimum wage,business,fast food

By the year 2035 will advancements in technology and the ability for businesses to automate render thinking and breathing employees obsolete? That is certainly an extremely interesting question fraught with potentially devastating implications! For example will the need for the professionals at title companies, lawyers, real estate brokers and even bus drivers disappear to be replaced by robots? […]

What is leadership?

title insurance New York

We’ve all been there in front of a group whether as the coach of a team or the leader of a company trying to convey a critical message while hoping against hope that the message is getting through! As the President of Hallmark Abstract as well as the father of three children I have been […]

Business Links of Interest for Monday, December 16, 2013!


With this the final full week before Christmas and New Years it’s a good time to look ahead to 2014 and new strategies that we might be thinking about implementing or stories that may have an impact in one way or another on our business! These links are to articles that may be of interest. […]