Tag Archives: China stock market

China: What Impact If Any On The 2016 U.S. CRE Market?

China,commercial real estate

The chart below should tell you much of what you need to know about the likely condition of the ‘wealth effect’ in China!   Will any potential change in this so-called wealth effect cause investors in China (or anywhere else around the world) to pullback on commercial real estate investment in the United States? Wealth Effect: The […]

Why Is China Scaring The World? (90 -Second Video)

After an 8.5% drop in the Shanghai Composite Index stock markets around the world recoiled in sympathy! But why, you may be asking, is the world so afraid of the goings on in China? Because while the communist nation has a quasi-capitalist economy, there’s a great deal of difference between here and there when you […]

China Syndrome, NYSE Stock Suspension And Anonymous!

(Update 11:32 AM: As if investor angst wasn’t running at a high enough level already, trading on the floor of the NYSE for ALL stocks has been suspended for an as of yet undetermined reason although off-floor third market trading is still taking place!) (Update 1:45 PM: Is yesterday’s Tweet from the cyber-hacking organization Anonymous […]