Tag Archives: client relations

In The World Of Title Insurance, What Differentiates One Firm From Another Firm? (Video)

title insurance long island,title insurance new york

For anyone earning their living selling or manufacturing a quasi-commodity product, you know exactly what I’m talking about! Please notice, however, that the prefix quasi was strategically placed in front of the word commodity. The reality is that while end products may be somewhat similar from any number of providers, all of those end products are not necessarily created […]

Nassau County Technology Blues – The Public Versus The Private Sector!

Nassau County, New York’s computer system upgrade and transition snags pose significant issues for real estate professionals! Public Versus Private Sector Before discussing the Nassau County-specific technology integration issue, imagine for a second that your private sector business began an upgrade and/or transition within its technology infrastructure and, for one reason or another, the project went horribly wrong […]