Tag Archives: economic forecasts

Are equity and economic analysts whistling past the proverbial graveyard?

Or will their prognostications for 2015 be spot-on? As we enter 2015 stock market analysts are generally predicting a positive year although not in the double digit range that has been forecast in prior years! Economists also see US economic growth in 2015 moving higher with some actually predicting above 3% for the first time […]

Where In The U.S. Is The Housing Recovery Still On Track? (Interactive Map)

Dashboard 1

Courtesy of BuzzBuzzHome.com, the interactive map in this article shows those areas of the country where the housing recovery remains intact and those areas where it may be struggling! The paragraphs below will help the reader decipher what the statistics mean when they are hovering over an area of the country that they are interested […]

Eye On The Economy: Week Of November 17th, 2014


The US Economic Calendar For The Week Of November 17, 2014 Assuming that the majority of Americans would like to keep an eye on their money, the US Economic Calendar for the week of November 17, 2014 is a great guide for anyone to have at their disposal! With economic and political uncertainty currently more […]

The US Economy: Trick or Treat?

US economy,NYC,Long Island

If you are a business owner or entrepreneur is FEAR a permissible emotion? By virtue of the fact that you started your own business, are running a business or are in the process of bringing a new product or service to market, can fear of current and near-future economic conditions stand in your way as an […]