Tag Archives: EU PIIGS

Debt? It’s Good To Be A Country!

In an investment some debt or leverage can be good but, at some point, it can become all-consuming and impossible to repay! Think about what happened to homeowners who had a variable-rate mortgage, also known as debt or leverage, when mortgage rates began to rise and the value of the asset fell. If their income stayed […]

Last Weeks Economic Acronyms: PIIGS, BDI, FOMC!


How many acronyms will fit in one article title? For this weeks articles we’ll cap it at three! Many of this past weeks articles at the Hallmark Abstract Service blog focused on the global economy in conjunction with the turmoil in financial markets around the world. These three acronyms played a critical role… PIIGS: These are the five […]

Are The EU PIIGS About To Start Squealing?

Summary: As the migrant crisis in Europe worsens serious steps to address it are being considered. One proposal is for passports to be required in order to cross from one EU country to another. Would such a drastic move spell the beginning of the end for the Eurozone as a viable entity? And if so […]

Syriza Party Wins Greece Election! Now What?

In an article last week, ‘Greece Election Sunday And Why The Entire World Is Watching!‘, the potential fallout from a Syriza party victory in the Greece election was examined! ‘This Sunday the citizens of Greece will be voting in a national election that will serve as a referendum on the EU-invoked austerity program that the […]

Greece Elections – Why The Entire World Is Watching!

This Sunday the citizens of Greece will be voting in a national election that will serve as a referendum on the EU-invoked austerity program that the country has been living through! At stake is the decision that a newly elected government might make to pull Greece out of the Eurozone in what has widely become […]

EU sovereign debt: Is it really different this time?

Or will it be another one of history’s examples of bulls and bears making money and of PIIGS being slaughtered? In other words is the liquidity angst being felt at one of Portugal’s largest banks an isolated event or a sign that trouble may loom on the horizon for the EU as a whole? That was […]

Are these 10-year EU sovereign debt yields sustainable?

title insurance, New York,New York City,Long Island,Michael Haltman

Follow @Hallmark Abstract Service This chart shows the May 18, 2012 10-year sovereign debt yields for the United States, Japan, and the five EU PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain)! Yield spreads between the countries were at these exaggerated levels (although improved for most from the depths of the global financial crisis) due to […]