Tag Archives: first impressions

Overcoming Performance Anxiety!

We’ve all been there…Big closing, critical presentation, important interview or maybe you’re starting a new job! Performance anxiety comes in all shapes and sizes and situations or events that might make one person anxious could be effortless child’s play for someone else. One example…On my wedding day the Rabbi had to give me his handkerchief because […]

Body Language Don’ts!

Hallmark Abstract Service

Whether in business or your personal life, there are many non-verbal cues that can tell the people you want to meet quite a bit about you before you even open your mouth! When walking into a room filled with possible prospects, contacts and people who you may not know, our basic instinct may be to […]

Don’t try to be something you’re not! (Video)

Hallmark Abstract Service,title insurance,New York

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A CLOSING WHERE THE TITLE WASN’T CLEARED? WE HAVEN’T! In business, life or, as the video below shows, television news, at times some may find the temptation of  trying to appear to be something who they really are not too tempting an idea to resist! In the news they may […]

Body language and business! (Infographic)

title insurance New York and Long Island

Our body language impacts the way that other perceive us, particularly during those precious few seconds when we are making our one, our only and our lasting first impression! Whether in social or business situations the way that we stand, speak and listen will convey quite a bit of information to the person or group […]