Tag Archives: flattening US yield curve

Yield Curve Flattening: What Does This Mean For The Real Estate Market?

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Update: Mortgage Rates Jump to 7-Year Highs May 15 2018, 4:02PM Mortgage rates spiked in a big way today, bringing some lenders to the highest levels in nearly 7 years (you’d need to go back to July 2011 to see worse). That heavy-hitting headline is largely due to the fact that rates were already fairly close […]

Flattening Treasury Yield Curve And Recession: This Time Is Different?

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Economic theory has always held that an inverted U.S. treasury yield curve could be used as a reliable signal for a recession looming on the horizon. According to the Federal Reserve, however, this time is different! This Time Is Different “How different the position of the investor today!” was the headline for an ad that ran […]