Tag Archives: insurance

Hallmark Abstract Service Nominated Best of Long Island, Best Title Insurance Company! Cast Your Vote Today!

Hallmark Abstract Service, Nominated Best of Long Island!

Hallmark Abstract Service, Best Title Insurance Company on Long Island! Cast Your Vote For Hallmark Abstract Service LLC in the Bethpage Federal Credit Union Best of Long Island! Voting is quick, easy, very much appreciated and you can vote once every day! Go to: https://lnkd.in/eJdUaeH Click on the Services icon On the left side of the […]

New York Title Insurance: Always Compare Apples To Apples!

apples photo

For someone in New York buying a home, commercial property or who may be refinancing a mortgage, all title insurance is NOT created equal! As a quick primer title insurance is backward looking, purchased for the purpose of protecting owners of real property and the lender that may have provided financing. Title insurance ensures the fact that when a buyer/mortgage refinancer closes, […]

Should A Title Insurance Provider Bother With Branding?

New York title insurance

In title insurance, a business where client acquisition is typically based on relationships and referrals and not on impulse buying or online shopping, is any expense incurred trying to ‘brand’ a firm actually worth it? At Hallmark Abstract Service we think that it is! This is because it’s our desire to try and differentiate and highlight the […]

Insurer Survivability: (More) Unintended Consequences Of ZIRP And NIRP!

ZIRP AND NIRP! For potential property buyers and current owners of property who are thinking of refinancing a mortgage, ZIRP has been, and NIRP may someday be, fantasticmonetary policies! ZIRP? NIRP? For those unfamiliar these acronyms are not the sounds an infant might make but instead are deadly serious policies that are being used by central bankers around the world in […]

To What Lengths Will Hallmark Abstract Service Go For Clients? (Video)

NYC title insurance,Long Island title insurance

This photo is a portrayal of just how far that is! In other words if there is ever an instance where an attorney, property owner, property buyer, mortgage bank or anyone else find themselves in the midst of a title insurance related emergency, Hallmark Abstract Service will scale or descend from any height necessary to help! The truth is, however, […]


sample title insurance bill,New York,Long Island

For anyone who has been involved in a real estate transaction as the buyer, buyers attorney or mortgage provider you know that title insurance is a key component in the process! As such the title insurance provider that you choose is critically important for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is clearing […]

Title Insurance: Why You Should Purchase An Owner’s Policy

Imagine that you’re buying a home and the question of whether or not to purchase an owner’s title insurance policy is raised! If you’re getting a mortgage to finance a portion of your transaction then your lender will require a title insurance policy to protect their investment. And while you as the buyer have the option of […]

Title Insurance: Some Basic Facts!

Title Insurance: Protects the property owner from an undiscovered issue THAT HAS HAPPENED IN THE PAST where most other insurance lines protect the purchaser from some future event! If you are financing a home or refinancing an existing mortgage the lender will require a title policy, known as the Loan Policy, to protect the collateral securing the […]

2014 Title Insurance Industry Year In Review…Agent Licensing and ALTA’s Seven Pillars

title insurance licensing in new york state

2014 was a year that witnessed significant changes in the way that title insurance agents in New York State would be monitored and, for the first time, licensed by the NYS Department of Financial Services (DFS)! It also was a year in which title insurance agents needed to prove that they were in compliance with the Seven Pillars of Best Practices established by the American […]

Sony needed a Federal guarantee to release ‘The Interview’

Maybe a TRIA-like program for a firm like Sony that was threatened with terrorism would have allowed them to release ‘The Interview’! At his final press conference of the year Barack Obama unequivocally stated that Sony should not have backed away from the North Korean threat of a 9/11-style attack on any movie theater showing […]