Tag Archives: Iran

Iran nuclear deal and the art of negotiation

Is the nuclear deal cut by the Obama administration going to be good for your business, your country and the world? As the owner of a title insurance business, very often I need to make strategic decisions that can and will affect me over the short-term but, more importantly, over the long-term as well. If […]

Iran Nuclear Deal Analogy

A Nuclear Deal With Iran Appears To Be Imminent! Here we (or is it I) go again mixing global politics with business. But, in reality, isn’t business in a linked global economy and geopolitics basically intertwined? After all with Greece facing debt repayment issues and the potential of being forced to leave the EU (My Big Fat Greek Analogy), […]

US economic calendar for the week of December 22, 2014


The US Economic Calendar For The Week Of December 22, 2014 Because the majority of Americans like to keep an eye on their money, the US Economic Calendar for the week of December 22, 2014 is a great guide for anyone to have at their disposal! With economic and political uncertainty currently more of the […]

Forget real estate for a second! What global geopolitical issues keep you up at night?

title insurance New York

If you’re one of the lucky ones you sleep very well regardless of any of the things that are taking place around you! But, if you’re more similar to those of us  who tend to worry about everything including possible flash-points around the world that might affect the slowly improving US economy, what might some […]