Tag Archives: Lehman Brothers bankruptcy

Tables Have Turned On Home Sellers Who Now Face A Supply Surge And Price Cut Volume Greater Than 2009!

buyers market photo

The residential real estate mantra for the past couple of years has been that rising home prices have, in large part, been based on a better economy but more importantly from a lack of supply of homes for sale! And invoking the law of supply and demand, as any first-year economics major will explain, says […]

10-Years Beyond The Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy: Seven Points To Ponder!

  Do you remember where you were on September 15, 2008, the day that Lehman failed unleashing the unintended consequences of a global financial crisis that began to foment and then snowball? Consequential events may not always appear to be so, and as Lehman Brothers was allowed to go under most of us may not have […]