Tag Archives: mortgage originations

Pssst…You Want To Buy A Car?


‘Are ‘Almost’ Subprime Mortgages And Used Car Loans A Canary In The Coal Mine?’ Having lived through the lending environment that led to ‘The Big Short’, one has to wonder whether we are heading back in the same direction! George Santayana (circa early 1900’s): ‘Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.‘ […]

Household Debt Chart: How much do Americans owe?

title insurance, New York,New York City,Long Island,Michael Haltman

Follow @Hallmark Abstract Service Household debt is once again on the rise ($11.52 trillion) and is not that far behind the Q3 2008 peak! Most Americans are very aware of what they owe to someone else whether it be for a mortgage, a car loan, student loans, credit cards or very possibly for all four […]