Tag Archives: mortgages in New York

New York Title Insurance Costs – They CAN Be Mitigated!

Mitigation – Post-pandemic, and long after the term quarantine is nothing but a bad memory, mitigation will go back to its original meaning of ‘reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something’! And at that point the mitigation of virus spread will hopefully be nothing but a bad and sad memory! So if that’s the case, […]

In Business Nothing Lasts Forever But Change, While Unsettling, Can Often Be A Good Thing!


Opening the Business section of Long Island’s Newsday this morning imagine my shock to read the following headline: ‘REPLACING 1940 FOOD HOME‘ with a photo of Zorn’s Poultry Farm in the background! As someone who picks-up food from Zorn’s of Bethpage when I’m in the neighborhood, whenever we have guests at the house or for […]