Tag Archives: Nassau County

Nassau County Real Estate Closing Costs Set to Become New York State’s Highest!

On December 14th it’s likely that Nassau County will approve real estate fee increases making it the most expensive jurisdiction in New York State in terms of closing costs! It’s an unfortunate case of deja vu’ all over again as Suffolk County this week is prepared to do some of the same with mortgage document recording […]

Government and Fiscal Irresponsibility

Town of Oyster Bay bond rating

Summary: Note to government: Eventually you runout of other peoples money to spend and when the piper needs to be paid the pockets will be empty! And the burden on business and investors of all types to make-up the deficit can quickly become unsustainable! ‘Long Island’s Town Of Oyster Bay An Example Of What Happens When […]

First-Time Homebuyer Seminar On May 21st In Rockville Centre, Long Island!

Long Island first-time homebuyers

If You’re Thinking About Buying Your First Home… Would you, or maybe someone you know, like to attend a short seminar where in one location you can meet all of the professionals who are involved in the process of buying a home, learn from them about some of the potential pitfalls along with the ways […]

Top 10 Most Expensive U.S. Cities To Raise A Family

This Top 10 list is presented for those of us who think that their cost of living has gotten completely out of control! After reading the list some might feel a little bit better knowing that their hometown is not present while others will have confirmation of a fact they have always known or at the very […]


Long Island, New York Networking Visitors Day! What is your plan to grow your business in 2016? On January 13, 2016 the Dynamic Business Alliance will be holding a Visitors Day that will take place at the Embassy Diner in Bethpage, Long Island. The Visitors Day, as well as our normal weekly meeting, will begin at 7:00AM […]


sample title insurance bill,New York,Long Island

For anyone who has been involved in a real estate transaction as the buyer, buyers attorney or mortgage provider you know that title insurance is a key component in the process! As such the title insurance provider that you choose is critically important for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is clearing […]

So You Want To Record A Deed In Nassau County, New York?

Recording a deed or mortgage in Nassau County, New York continues to take far longer than it used to! At the beginning of October the implementation of a new computer system at the Nassau County, New York’s Clerk’s office went less well than anticipated as described in the article ‘Nassau County Technology Blues – The Public […]

Nassau County Computer Woes: Hallmark Abstract Service Clients Come First!

Why does it seem that when government undertakes a project, actual implementation is very often an issue? There is an old saying that many in business and in life adhere to that says ‘go along to get along’! In other words regardless of the situation or problem one will ‘conform in order to have acceptance and security.’ […]

Nassau County Technology Blues – The Public Versus The Private Sector!

Nassau County, New York’s computer system upgrade and transition snags pose significant issues for real estate professionals! Public Versus Private Sector Before discussing the Nassau County-specific technology integration issue, imagine for a second that your private sector business began an upgrade and/or transition within its technology infrastructure and, for one reason or another, the project went horribly wrong […]

Real Estate Fees: Is Nassau County Price Gouging?

Nassau County government,Long Island,real estate

With Nassau County, New York finances in, shall we say, difficult shape, leadership scours its income statement for ways to increase income and lower expenses! And, because most everything always comes down to politics, any potential solution needs to be positioned and ultimately implemented in such a way as to make the fewest number of […]