Tag Archives: Nassau County government

Nassau County, New York Is At It Again! New Fee Proposal On The Table To Gouge The Real Estate Industry, or…

When is a governmental ‘fee’ nothing more than a regressive tax in disguise? Put another way, how can politicians pull a Flim Flam Florio to raise money while hoping that no one notices? And, remember that these fees are the same whether one is buying a $200,000 property or one costing $10,000,000 or more. You do the […]

Real Estate Fees: Is Nassau County Price Gouging?

Nassau County government,Long Island,real estate

With Nassau County, New York finances in, shall we say, difficult shape, leadership scours its income statement for ways to increase income and lower expenses! And, because most everything always comes down to politics, any potential solution needs to be positioned and ultimately implemented in such a way as to make the fewest number of […]