Tag Archives: New York State title insurance

Hallmark Abstract Service CEO Michael Haltman Interviewed on The Debbie Nigro Show!

Debbie Nigro, Host Of The Debbie Nigro Show, Interviews Hallmark Abstract Service CEO Michael Haltman! Knowledge Is Power! When Debbie Nigro, a 3-time winner of Best Nationally Syndicated Radio Talk Show of the Year, called and asked if Michael would be interested in being interviewed about the new and free technology his title insurance firm was offering to clients […]

Buying Real Estate In New York State? Does The Title Insurance Underwriter Being Used Actually Matter?

Summary: ‘In the New York State title insurance marketplace there are many underwriter options for a policy but, at the end of the day, it is the financial strength of an underwriter and the title insurance expertise of the company preparing the policy that should be the primary consideration for any consumer!’ Imagine for a second […]

New York State Title Insurance Industry: Is It All About Luxury Box Suites, Steakhouse Dinners And Champagne-fueled Parties?

steakhouse photo

Update December 26, 2019: The decision from the New York State Appellate Court has reversed Judge Rakower’s second ruling. Regulation 208 has been reinstated. However Judge Rakower’s decision regarding Closers and ancillary fees still stands. Headline July 5, 2018: The New York State Title Insurance Industry Takes On The New York State Department Of Financial Services In […]

Why Choose One Title Insurance Provider Over Another?

title insurance costs

In the seminars and CLEs that Hallmark Abstract Service participates in, a question that will often get asked is why would one choose your firm over another title insurance provider? Fair question as on the surface title insurance appears to be a commodity product and those who provide it nothing but commodity businesses. But if one were to scratch […]