Tag Archives: news

Timeless Information: Crisis Management, Relationship Building, Growing Sales and more!

news photo

Every day we are bombarded with news and information through our email inbox, meetings or seminars and possibly from interesting websites or some type of online presentation. Weeding through this overload of data for those stories that may be useful for your business, employees or your personal development can sometimes be tricky and challenging. There are […]

Did You Know…Real Estate, Law Jobs, Economy, Wall Street, Brexit And More!

Global news

9 Article Links To Scandal, Real Estate Statistics, Jobs, EU Break-Up And More! News, Economic Information And Just Plain Interesting Stuff That You May Have Missed! When you crack open the newspaper on the train or bus heading to work or perhaps navigate over to you favorite website that disseminates current events, you will be reading the same […]

News about the mortgage interest deduction!

New York title insurance

One of the critical pieces of any real estate investment, the mortgage interest deduction (MID), has always served as something of a bi-partisan political football! For those who may be unfamiliar the MID allows homeowners to deduct the interest paid on their mortgage from taxable income (subject of course to certain IRS rules) making it […]