Tag Archives: no free lunch

Free Lunch – This Time It’s Different or History Repeats Itself?

2008 financial crisis

Summary: With easy money coming back into the market, borrowers who should not be borrowing getting loans and the economy at a tipping point is the history of the financial crisis about to repeat itself? Will the return to ‘easier’ lending practices in markets spanning mortgages, student loans and used cars pose a problem? Problem for the […]

Junk Bonds: No Free Lunch!

Summary: At two of the Wall Street firms I traded at there actually were free lunches! But at some point in time when the markets turned the free lunches would always come to an end! This concept of no free lunches holds true whether one is investing in real estate, junk bonds, stocks or commodities! Flashback […]

The Case For Capitalism!

(This article originally appeared at LinkedIn here) Capitalism Versus Socialism Going out on a limb I would say that the majority who will read this article at LinkedIn or in some other business oriented venue are, in one form or another, capitalists by nature who are trying to maximize wealth and corporate performance while still serving […]