Tag Archives: NYC affordable housing

A NYC Hotel ➡️ Affordable Housing Plan…

With many moving parts and a shortage of details, can this NYC hotel conversion to affordable housing plan be done successfully? NYC Hotel ➡️ Affordable Housing… In NYC can defunct hotels be successfully converted to affordable housing units? As with most promises driven by political campaigning, the devil is in the as-yet to be released details that […]

Game of Homes And New York City Affordable Housing!

shame photo

Over the summer New York City passed a law that focuses increased attention on protecting tenants in buildings that include a large percentage of rent-regulated apartments! Specifically when that building changes hands at an inflated price, suggesting that an endgame of the new buyer might be to get these tenants to move out! In New York […]

Are You Part Of The Working ‘Poor’ Living In New York City? No Wonder…

New York City cost of living

If you’re living in New York City with housing, food and transportation costs in addition to a heavy tax burden, you may be feeling as if it can be difficult to make ends meet! Let alone to save any money for your golden years! Preaching to the choir, we know! In the article ‘The Cost […]