Tag Archives: NYC government

A NYC Hotel ➡️ Affordable Housing Plan…

With many moving parts and a shortage of details, can this NYC hotel conversion to affordable housing plan be done successfully? NYC Hotel ➡️ Affordable Housing… In NYC can defunct hotels be successfully converted to affordable housing units? As with most promises driven by political campaigning, the devil is in the as-yet to be released details that […]

NYC Seeks To Develop The Long Island City Rail Yard

long island city new york

Anyone who’s ridden the Long Island Railroad into Penn Station has almost certainly noticed the rapidly changing skyline in Long Island City! Development is occurring in LIC at a frenetic space and I for one, having worked in the Citigroup Building at One Court Square back in the 1990’s, barely recognize the place when I’m there! Of […]

Changes To NYC Air-Rights Policy Are On The Horizon

The de Blasio administration is considering changes to NYC air-rights policy! Summary: Two changes that are currently under consideration…  ‘The first would involve private transactions, which allow developers to buy unused square footage from owners on the same block…Community groups have criticized the process as being too opaque, and have suggested that the city increase transparency […]

New York City’s 100 Worst Landlords


For a prospective renter of an apartment in NYC, knowing the quality of the landlord is one more metric to consider when making a decision about where to live! But the question is, how do they do that? Here’s some help! NYC Government Oversight The Department of Housing Preservation & Development (HPB) will, among other mandates, ‘respond […]