Tag Archives: real estate developers

What Is An Opportunity Zone? – Rosenberg & Estis Member Adam Sanders Guest Contributor

congress photo

This article concerning Opportunity Zones was contributed by Rosenberg & Estis, a law firm with a strong presence in all facets surrounding the New York real estate market. Article author and firm Member Adam Sanders represents New York-based property owners and developers with acquisitions and developments of real property in and around New York City. For any readers […]

Are Manhattan Air Rights Losing Some Of Their Luster?

Manhattan air rights prices on the decline

For readers interested in the subject of NYC air rights, this article examines how developer appetite in Manhattan seems to be waning utilizing price as anecdotal evidence! And, for those readers not particularly focused on this subset of the NYC real estate market but who have none-the-less had to suffer through many recent articles on the subject, rest […]

FinCEN Disclosures (Geographic Targeting Orders) For Cash Real Estate Transactions Expanded!

August 12th Hallmark Abstract Service examined the unintended consequences that resulted from the government edict intended to address one issue while impacting another one! The article titled ‘New York City Real Estate, Government Edicts And The Inevitable Unintended Consequences!‘ looked at the result from the requirement for title insurance company’s to disclose the actual buyer […]

New York City Real Estate, Government Edicts And The Inevitable Unintended Consequences!

Most if not all of us have heard the phrase that ‘the road to hell is paved with good intentions’! Given that, is it also a sad truth that many government policies once implemented, have unintended consequences the majority of which seem to be more painful than helpful for the masses? For the sake of this argument and […]

Blackstone Group Buys Stuyvesant Town In New York City And Gets A Development Rights Kicker!

Development rights, aka air rights, are an extremely valuable commodity on the New York City real estate scene! And it’s the fact that Stuyvesant Town possesses over 700,000 square feet of development rights that some feel helps to explain why Blackstone Group, as part of its deal to purchase this iconic property, was willing to […]

2015 Predictions: The State Of The New York City Housing Market

In 2014 the NYC housing market was bifurcated with listings below $1MM selling quickly while mega-listings above $5MM languished! Approximately 60% of homes between $500K and $1MM were on the market for under 60-days while 70% of those priced over $10MM were on the market for more than 60-days. (Source) So what can New Yorkers […]

Presenting The Long Island Commercial Real Estate Expo!

title insurance New York and Long Island

Hallmark Abstract Service is once again exhibiting at the Long Island Commercial Real Estate Expo (LICREE) taking place on March 18, 2014 at the Long Island Hilton in Melville, New York! In 2013 LICREE had proved to be an extremely positive event for our firm both in terms of exposure to the participants in the […]