Tag Archives: renting a NYC apartment

NYC Apartment Dweller? What Are You Entitled To?

Haves and Have Nots – A guide to NYC apartment dwelling! There are 11 things that a NYC apartment must have, and 11 that do not have to be provided. One of the items not necessary to be provided likely make FedEx and UPS cringe! From Brick Underground, read more in the article ’11 things […]

Renting An Apartment In NYC? Some Important Do’s And Don’ts!

  For anyone about to hunt for their first NYC apartment rental or for an apartment renting veteran, some advice from an article at Thrillist.com on common mistakes to avoid! Thrillist.com columnist Melanie Lieberman ‘spoke to a number of New York City real estate pros — licensed agents and other authorities on the city’s rental market […]

Renting A NYC Apartment: You’ve Got The Income But Not The Cash!

looking for a NYC apartment

Yet Another Financial Hurdle In The Process Of Renting An Apartment In NYC! Congratulations! You found an apartment with a monthly rent you can afford and only had to make a few sacrifices to get there. It’s not exactly in the right neighborhood, needs a little work, doesn’t offer all of the amenities on your wish list and […]

New York City’s 100 Worst Landlords


For a prospective renter of an apartment in NYC, knowing the quality of the landlord is one more metric to consider when making a decision about where to live! But the question is, how do they do that? Here’s some help! NYC Government Oversight The Department of Housing Preservation & Development (HPB) will, among other mandates, ‘respond […]

Interactive NYC Neighborhood Map: Rent-to-Income Ratios

Dashboard with Filters

So you want to rent an apartment in New York City but you’re not sure what neighborhood will give you the biggest bang for your rental buck? The sad answer is that wherever you choose to live, the percentage of income you will need to dedicate to pay that rent is high! How high? That of […]