Tag Archives: risk and reward

Have Governments And Banks Learned Nothing From The 2008 Financial Crisis?

  Government Bonds And Consumer Debt Levels Soar While Bailouts Remain The Norm! This is an excellent read from an article at City Journal! These are some of the general takeaways… Some Key Points: ‘Bailouts remain the norm worldwide’ ‘In 2008, the world’s major central banks held little more than $6 trillion in assets, according […]

Puerto Rico And Politics! (Video)

Puerto Rico default

Yesterday, May 2, the Puerto Rico Government Development Bank defaulted on approximately $422 million in debt payments! Long in fiscal disarray, this missed payment by Puerto Rico was merely the opening salvo in the Island’s debt crisis as over the summer approximately $2 billion more is going to be coming due. Consider for a moment why […]

Are The EU PIIGS About To Start Squealing?

Summary: As the migrant crisis in Europe worsens serious steps to address it are being considered. One proposal is for passports to be required in order to cross from one EU country to another. Would such a drastic move spell the beginning of the end for the Eurozone as a viable entity? And if so […]

Junk Bonds: No Free Lunch!

Summary: At two of the Wall Street firms I traded at there actually were free lunches! But at some point in time when the markets turned the free lunches would always come to an end! This concept of no free lunches holds true whether one is investing in real estate, junk bonds, stocks or commodities! Flashback […]

Bond Yields, The Economy And Real Estate: Are They Sustainable At Their Current Levels?

sovereign debt

Last week Fed Chair Janet Yellen decided, in the face of non-crisis level U.S. economic statistics, to leave interest rates unchanged at the economic crisis level of 0%! Her rationale was believable for some and hard to understand for others but, for anyone who listened and for those who didn’t, she mentioned non-U.S. economic factors […]