Tag Archives: San Francisco

Apartment Rents: What Goes Up, Must Come Down!

housing affordability

It’s certainly no secret that in many of the nations housing markets the price to rent an apartment has been going in one direction…up! But, as the famous phrase about gravity suggests, what goes up must eventually come down. After all whether it was tulips during the 1600’s, technology stocks during the late 1990’s or […]

FinCEN Disclosures (Geographic Targeting Orders) For Cash Real Estate Transactions Expanded!

August 12th Hallmark Abstract Service examined the unintended consequences that resulted from the government edict intended to address one issue while impacting another one! The article titled ‘New York City Real Estate, Government Edicts And The Inevitable Unintended Consequences!‘ looked at the result from the requirement for title insurance company’s to disclose the actual buyer […]

Did You Know…Real Estate, Law Jobs, Economy, Wall Street, Brexit And More!

Global news

9 Article Links To Scandal, Real Estate Statistics, Jobs, EU Break-Up And More! News, Economic Information And Just Plain Interesting Stuff That You May Have Missed! When you crack open the newspaper on the train or bus heading to work or perhaps navigate over to you favorite website that disseminates current events, you will be reading the same […]

Where are the most expensive rental apartments in the United States? (Interactive Map)

title insurance New York,New York City,Long Island

The answer, as in any question, will vary depending on what is actually being asked! When it comes to the question of the exorbitant cost of renting an apartment, New York City would certainly come to mind in any conversation concerning where housing costs are going to be the most expensive. For example, each week […]