Tag Archives: SEO

Guest Post: Attorney Advertising: What’s the Difference between Educating the Public and Advertising?

Most attorneys, especially those at smaller firms, rely on referrals, networking and advertising to attract new clients. For this article we’ll address the difference between educating the public and advertising. Attorneys can educate the public concerning legal issues with materials that are not considered ads. Advertising is any type of communication about an attorney or […]

Using the internet in your business! (Infographic)

Hallmark Abstract Service,title insurance,New York

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A CLOSING WHERE THE TITLE WASN’T CLEARED? WE HAVEN’T! The infographic below provides a tutorial on the various ways to increase exposure for businesses through both SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Content Marketing! Because, at-the-end-of-the-day, whatever it is that we do to make a living the ultimate goal is to bring current and potential […]

More than 100 topics for real estate bloggers!

title insurance, New York,New York City,Long Island,Michael Haltman

Follow @Hallmark Abstract Service The act of ‘blogging for your business’ is one that comes naturally for some while for others the mere thought may instill a feeling of intense fear and anxiety!  I know that from my experience speaking with business owners many feel that they should be blogging but have never quite gotten […]

A Look At The Best Law Firm Websites!

title insurance New York

If you are an attorney it’s likely that your firm has a website but, if you don’t, it is definitely something that you should strongly consider developing! Large firms will typically have a well-crafted website that provides the curious visitor or prospective client an in-depth look into what they do, the attorney’s who do it […]

Internet marketing for real estate and the law!

title insurance New York

As a small business with a website and a blog Hallmark Abstract Service lives by one of the oldest internet marketing truisms that says… The sad reality is that a firm can provide the best legal representation, offer the best message, possess the best website, have a stable of the most satisfied customers and write […]

2013 Recap: Top 10 articles about social media and business!

Social media has become a key component in business regardless of the industry that you are in or the size of your company! For businesses that currently have an active social media presence or for those who would like to begin the process of creating one,  from Entrepreneur the Top 10 articles on this subject […]

Is any publicity for your business good publicity?

Hallmark Abstract Service

The quote “Any publicity is good publicity” sounds about right if you are a struggling actor who is trying to build a career, but not necessarily such a good thing when it occurs on the internet and you’re  a business owner or manager who is trying to run a successful operation! After having worked as […]

Blogging, social media and SEO for the legal sector! (Infographic)

Hallmark Abstract Service Jericho New York

What steps are lawyers taking in the area of blogging and social media? There are of course many variables to this question including whether or not the attorney  is a solo practitioner or part of a group practice, but the bottom-line is that many competitors may currently be involved in some or all of these activities: blogging, […]