Tag Archives: S&P 500

Interesting Divergence Post-Brexit Between Stocks And Treasury Bond Price Action!

stock market

Summary: Brexit: Stocks going up while treasury yields are going down? Intuitively it’s not necessarily supposed to be that way! The price action comparison between the stock market and the 10-year U.S. treasury yield since the Friday following the Brexit victory offers an interesting contrast and potential warning sign for investors! Stocks Since the huge move […]

Crude Oil At 11-Year Low While The S&P 500 Is, Well…Not Even Close!

stock market,real estate,crude oil,recession

This morning Brent crude hit its lowest level since 2004 while West Texas Intermediate hasn’t had spot prices this cheap since about 2003 (see chart above)!  Market experts are in general citing surging levels of crude supply with no appreciable decline in that supply anywhere on the horizon as the major reason for the price drop. A popular […]

Is The Declining Price Of Crude Oil Actually Responsible For The Declining Stock Market?

CRB Index chart

The pundits on TV have all glommed onto the common argument that declining crude oil prices are responsible for declining stock prices! I, however, am of the opinion that declining crude coupled with the overall decline in the CRB, are merely symptomatic of a greater potential problem. That is the real possibility for the US economy […]