Tag Archives: tax reform

Tax Reform And It’s Impact On New York, New Jersey And Connecticut Real Estate!

net migration by state

With the passage of the ‘Tax Cuts and Jobs Act’ (name subject to change) some aspects of the legislation are very clear and some things will take some time to play out such as real estate valuation! So what do we know concerning the tax bill? There are seven tax brackets as there were before, the standard […]

Stock Market Poised For A Staggering Decline? The Television Commercial Indicator Says It Very Well Might Be!

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I know what investors will say…’Who is this title insurance guy to be predicting that the stock market is ready to rollover, correct or decline precipitously?’… Is he a high-priced analysts at a hedge fund or talking head on the business news? You know, the ones who will typically say after a big down day in […]