Tag Archives: taxi medallions

Uber Update: $50 Billion-Plus Valuation?

An Uber IPO could place the value of the transportation start-up at north of $50 billion dollars making it the most valuable pre-listed IPO in history! Prior to the expected Uber deal hitting the market, Facebook was the most recent valuation record-holder at a $50 billion number pre-IPO in 2011. One glaring difference and potential concern for […]

Because Of Uber, Are Taxi Medallion Lenders A Shorting Opportunity?

taxi medallion,shorting stock,NYC

In other words is the competition from Uber decreasing the demand for taxi medallions causing the price of the medallions to drop thereby damaging the collateral of taxi medallion lenders? In a word…yes! For those who may be unfamiliar, in cities like New York City medallions are required for a yellow taxi to operate. The […]