Tag Archives: taxpayers

Obamacare: Two Maps Depicting The Impending Decline Of Choice And Inevitable Increase In Price

For any business owner and/or American concerned with the affordability and availability of quality healthcare, the two maps in this article should be very concerning! On August 16 I had written an article titled, ‘Commentary: Politicians And Empty Promises!‘, that focused on the political process and the empty rhetoric that politicians from both party’s spew pandering for votes. […]

Government and Fiscal Irresponsibility

Town of Oyster Bay bond rating

Summary: Note to government: Eventually you runout of other peoples money to spend and when the piper needs to be paid the pockets will be empty! And the burden on business and investors of all types to make-up the deficit can quickly become unsustainable! ‘Long Island’s Town Of Oyster Bay An Example Of What Happens When […]