Tag Archives: treasury yield curve

Economic Data That Could Move Bond Yields And Mortgage Rates – Week Of July 9th And 16th

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Whether it’s what a company may earn in a given quarter, who will win the 8th at Belmont, if it will rain today or of course the economy, forecasting and prediction are inexact sciences! As discussed in this space previously, ‘Predicting The Weather, Mortgage Rates, Commodity Prices Or Most Anything Else Is Not For The Faint Of […]

The US Economic Calendar for the Week of February 24, 2014

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US Economic Calendar for the Week of February 24, 2014 For real estate investors, potential home buyers worried about mortgage rates or current home owners looking to either refinance or sell, the economic data to be released in the upcoming week will most certainly have some degree of impact. The data could have a direct […]