Tag Archives: US middle class

The Jobs Report: Is The Nation Really Only .5% From Full Employment?

If we use 5% as the benchmark for full employment in the United States and the unemployment number released on Friday was 5.5%, then by extension.. …the nation is only 1/2 of 1% from reaching a significant milestone that would seem to indicate total recovery from the horror that was the financial crisis of a […]

The US Economy: ‘What’s in your wallet?’

27 Statistics About The U.S. Middle Class Summary: Do you consider yourself a member of the middle class or has it become increasingly difficult to know that answer for sure? Much commentary continually gets bandied about concerning the state of the middle class in the United States! One side of the political argument (typically the incumbents […]

News about the mortgage interest deduction!

New York title insurance

One of the critical pieces of any real estate investment, the mortgage interest deduction (MID), has always served as something of a bi-partisan political football! For those who may be unfamiliar the MID allows homeowners to deduct the interest paid on their mortgage from taxable income (subject of course to certain IRS rules) making it […]