2014 Coney Island Polar Bear Plunge and Bone Marrow Registry Awareness!

By | January 2, 2014

Hallmark Abstract Service President Michael Haltman along with his son Cory participated in the New Year’s Day 2014 Coney Island Polar Bear Plunge to help raise awareness for the National Bone Marrow Donation Database!

To show support for daughter/sister Samantha Haltman who is going to be donating bone marrow to an anonymous patient suffering with a form of blood cancer, Michael and Cory took the plunge to help raise visibility and awareness for national bone marrow registry BeTheMatch.org!

Sign-up for the database is simple and painless and, while you may never be called, wouldn’t it be great to know that at some point in the future you might have the opportunity to provide the potential for a cancer patient to beat their illness?

Michael Haltman and his 17-year-old son, Cory Haltman, took the plunge to raise awareness for the bone marrow donation registry. His 23-year-old daughter, Samantha Haltman, is donating bone marrow to a patient struggling with blood cancer, and they wanted to show support.

The water was a shock — Haltman said he felt it was difficult to breathe.

“I wore a winter coat until it was time to go, but others were out there for an hour and a half only in bikinis,” Haltman said. “Parts of my body are still re-emerging. The sun wasn’t out, it was freezing and the water temperature wasn’t much warmer.” (AP)

To enroll in the National Bone Marrow Donation Registry go to BeTheMatch.org by clicking on this link!

*Special thanks to Bill Corbett, Corbett Public Relations, for his incredible help bringing media attention to the endeavor!

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